During the holiday season, Lightning Deals are quite popular - and frequent - at Amazon so you want to be sure you don't miss out on any of them. To keep abreast of seasonal Lightening Deals from Amazon, you can download the Amazon mobile app to receive deals on the go, tune in to their social media pages for Lightning Deals announcements or sign up for the Amazon email list to have deals and special offers sent right to your inbox.

What are Amazon Prime Offers? Amazon Prime Offers are special member's only deals and exclusive offers for shoppers enrolled in their Amazon Prime program that includes free shipping on a myriad of products. For a fee of $99 per year, Amazon Prime members will receive free 2 day shipping on eligible products, early access to Amazon Lightning Deals and other promotions, unlimited access to Amazon's video and music gallery and more. Check the FAQs on the Amazon website to find out more Amazon deals and about Amazon Prime.
Amazon rarely offers site-wide coupon codes, but they do offer coupons for specific products. During Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales, Amazon will automatically apply discounts when you add products to your cart. While there might not be lots of Amazon promo codes, they do offer peace of mind when shopping. For example, if you buy an item from Amazon, then spot an identical product on an Amazon competitor's site at a lower price, they'll refund you the price difference. As long as you see the identical cheaper product within 14 days, you should be covered. Review the Amazon price matching policy to learn more.