GoDaddy was founded in 1997 in Baltimore, Maryland, by entrepreneur Bob Parsons. Prior to GoDaddy, Parsons sold his financial software services company, Parsons Technology, to Intuit for $65 million in 1994.[10] Parsons came out of his retirement in 1997 to launch Jomax Technologies, which later became GoDaddy Group Inc. GoDaddy received a strategic investment from private equity funds, KKR, Silver Lake, and Technology Crossover Ventures.[11]

There’s a belief out there that locking in your domain name for a few years signals to Google and other search engines that your website is focused on quality, and won’t be a spammy ‘here today, gone tomorrow’ type of website. GoDaddy has said that it’s not a factor in your search results. Renewing your domain for multiple years is definitely much more convenient, but it’s won’t increase your search engine rankings.
Prior to joining GoDaddy, Mike was Chief Operating Officer at Glyde, an advanced ecommerce marketplace enabling individuals to simply and safely buy and sell used consumer goods, such as video games, mobile phones and tablets. Before Glyde, Mike was the general manager of eBay Motors' passenger vehicle business unit, where he drove strategic innovation and was instrumental in scaling the business.
GoDaddy allows you to choose and set a right domain for your business without needing any technical expertise. They also provide services like allowing you to forward it to your existing website, customizing your website with upto 100 subdomains, monitoring your website for keeping it run properly and providing upto 100 assumed professional email addresses etc.

Many new bloggers change their web hosting to another host because of high renewal cost, and when they fail to migrate technically, they lose their data and traffic too. Hence it is better to renew from the same web hosting company, so your website is always UP. You can use GoDaddy Web Hosting renewal discount codes on renewals, so it lessens your financial burdens.

Whether you're a freelancer or the founder of a new start-up, you know how important it is to be engaging with your industry online. GoDaddy is the number-one provider of professional web development and domain name registration solutions, and they can help you get the results you need while also offering a vast library of support resources and a community of satisfied users. If you're looking to assure your customers of your good reputation, invest in an SSL certificate that will prevent security errors. If you're starting a blog, take advantage of their WordPress hosting packages. For those who want to maximize their brand's reach, GoDaddy experts are available to manage SEO, as well as social media accounts. Use GoDaddy coupons to make all of these services even cheaper. It's never too late to boost your online presence.

Now is the time to put forth an online presence for your business. It boosts your credibility, and when done right, gets your company found on Google and other search engines. GoDaddy promo codes offer affordable, professional web hosting solutions. You can also get business consulting and free advice to improve your overall presence online. Boost your reach with e-mail marketing campaigns and social marketing tools backed by a large and leading company.
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Thanks to GoDaddy's cancelling of renewal promo codes, this bulk discount promo code is the best deal out there: save $15 when you order $75. Obviously this means that renewing multiple products at one time will save you the most money. So if you renew your domain and hosting at the same time, you will easily top $100 and then you can qualify for the full $15 discount.
GoDaddy has rich shared hosting plans, but HostGator still reigns as the PCMag Editors' Choice for shared web hosting services. Like GoDaddy, HostGator boasts unlimited domains and monthly data transfers across the board, and a choice of Linux- or Windows-based servers, but it tops its rival by offering a VoIP number for your business and unlimited storage with all plans.
We all love discounts, and we all want the discount on even renewal products as it feels happy to save again for the next billing. This is the reason lots of people search for Godaddy renewal promo codes and discount on the internet, but it is true some of the Godaddy renewal coupons does not work even if the particular promo code is not expired. However, this happens in the sporadic case.
The 2008 Super Bowl XLII GoDaddy advertisement received a negative response from the press. Adweek's Barbara Lippert described it as a "poorly produced scene in a living room where people are gathered to watch the Super Bowl. As we watch them watch, a guy at his computer in the corner of the room drags the crowd over to to view the banned ad instead." Lippert also said, "it will probably produce a Pavlovian response in getting actual viewers in their own living rooms to do the same."[60]
Your site is only as good as your hosting. Why? Because even if you have an amazing website, no one will see it if your server is down. Our web hosting not only features guaranteed 99.9% uptime, it also boasts industry-leading load times and 24/7 expert support and security. Get it for just $1.00/month when you sign up for a year with the promo code.

If you don't want to spend a lot of money on web hosting, shared hosting is the way to go. This form of cheap web hosting places your website on a server with other websites. So, yes, your site literally shares server resources with other sites, hence the tier's name. It's far from the most powerful web hosting type, however. The sites sharing the server compete for resources. You'll want dedicated or virtual private server (VPS) hosting for muscle if you expect big traffic, or if you want to insulate yourself from big traffic spikes.
The most selling GoDaddy Coupon for hosting is their $1 per month hosting coupon code. It entitles you to GoDaddy economy hosting plan at a price of just $1 per month. It is applicable only for annual hosting package and includes ability to host 1 website with unlimited bandwidth. It also qualifies for a free domain name for the first year of hosting.
As Senior Vice President and head of GoDaddy EMEA, Irana leads a global team that helps small businesses in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa bring their businesses online and make their own way. Prior to this role, Irana was the General Manager for GoDaddy’s productivity business, leading teams that provide small businesses with tools and services that help them improve communication and run their businesses.
We are fastest growing up coupons & discount website for Information Technology(IT) products and services. WebTechCoupons is one best place when you are looking for any IT related service or products like Domain Name, Web Hosting, Softwares and more. You will find maximum updated information and suggestions that help you get best services and products. You can contact Us any time on, and Our team will try to solve your query.

Betsy previously held positions at Apple as Vice President, Corporate Controller and Principal Accounting until her retirement in October 2012. From April 2002 to September 2006, Betsy served as Vice President, Corporate Controller and Principal Accounting Officer of Cisco Systems, and held the position of Vice President, Corporate Finance for Cisco Systems from September 2006 to August 2007. From December 2000 to April 2002, Betsy was the Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, and Chief Administrative Officer of Aspect Communications, Inc., a provider of customer relationship portals.
With the Discount Domain Club membership you also get a one-year membership to GoDaddy Auctions and CashParking. If you already have a GoDaddy Auctions account then you get a one-year renewal for that account, and if you already have a Cash Parking account then you either get a free upgrade to a premium account or you get an additional premium account.